
懵懂先生 投稿文章satellites(satellite可数吗)已关闭评论71阅读模式


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【编者按】我们今天需要注意的很简单:star其实指的是恒星,twinkle,twinkle,little star,只有恒星才是会眨眼(闪烁)的。另外提一下,moon不光可以指月亮,也可以是更广义的卫星的意思。文章源自略懂百科-

When looking in the sky at night, how can I differentiate between stars, satellites, planets and other objects?【译】当我在夜晚仰望天空时,如何区分恒星、卫星、行星和其他物体?【单词】sky [skahy][skaɪ] n. 天空【单词】differentiate [dif-uh-ren-shee-eyt][ˌdɪfərenʃieɪt] vt. 区分;使差异【单词】stars 原型:star [stahr][stɑː] n. 星;恒星【单词】satellites 原型:satellite [sat-l-ahyt][sætəlaɪt] n. 卫星;人造卫星【单词】planets 原型:planet [plan-it][plænɪt] n. 行星【单词】objects 原型:object [ob-jikt, -jekt][ɒbdʒɪkt] n. 物体;目标;对象文章源自略懂百科-

Stars twinkle, planets generally provide a steady light.【译】恒星闪烁,行星通常提供稳定的光。【单词】twinkle [twing-kuhl][twɪŋkl] vi. 闪耀;闪烁;眨眼;轻快移动【单词】steady [sted-ee][stedi] adj. 稳定的;稳固的;坚定的文章源自略懂百科-

Artificial Satellites will be visibly moving, and wont be twinkling.【译】人造卫星将明显移动,不会闪烁。【单词】Artificial 原型:artificial [ahr-tuh-fish-uhl][ˌɑːtɪfɪʃl] adj. 人造的【单词】visibly [viz-uh-buhl][vɪzəbli] adv. 明显地;看得见地文章源自略懂百科-

Meteorites will be moving fast.【译】陨石则会移动得很快。【单词】Meteorites 原型:meteorite [mee-tee-uh-rahyt][miːtiəraɪt] n. 陨石;流星文章源自略懂百科-

Stars dont move and generally twinkle because theyre so far away, the appear to be just a single point of light.【译】恒星不会移动,通常会闪烁,因为它们离得太远,看起来只是一个光点。文章源自略懂百科-

Planets dont move (dont visibly move with a glance up at the sky) either and they dont twinkle (or twinkle as much) because theyre not "point sources".【译】行星也不会移动(或者说一般不会明显地在天空中闪烁移动)也不会闪烁(或者与恒星闪烁一样多),因为它们不是点源。【单词】glance [glans, glahns][ɡlɑːns] 掠过 n. 一瞥;扫视;反光;闪烁文章源自略懂百科-

Theyre actually visible discs at even low magnification.【译】实际上,甚至在低倍放大率(的望远镜)下,它们是可见的圆盘。【单词】visible [viz-uh-buhl][vɪzəbl] adj. 看得见的;可见的;显而易见的【单词】discs 原型:disc [disk][dɪsk] n. 唱片;圆盘;盘状物【单词】magnification [mag-nuh-fi-key-shuhn][ˌmæɡnɪfɪkeɪʃn] n. 放大;夸张;[计算机] 放大率文章源自略懂百科-

Satellites move slowly across the sky and dont have flashing anti collision beacons.【译】卫星在天空中缓慢移动,并且没有闪烁的防撞信号灯。【单词】slowly [sloh-lee][sləʊli] adv. 缓慢地【单词】flashing 原型:flash [flash][flæʃ] v. 闪光;闪现;掠过;忽然...【单词】anti [an-tahy, an-tee][ænti] adj. 反对的 prep. 反对【单词】collision [kuh-lizh-uhn][kəlɪʒn] n. 碰撞;冲突【单词】beacons [bee-kuhn][biːkən] n. 烽火;灯塔;信号灯;基地文章源自略懂百科-

Satellites are also normally only visible a couple of hours before sunrise and after sunset because they need to still be in the sun to reflect light.【译】卫星通常也只能在日出前和日落后的几个小时内可见,因为它们还需要在太阳下反射光线。【单词】normally [nawr-muh-lee][nɔːməli] adv. 通常;正常地【单词】sunrise [suhn-rahyz][sʌnraɪz] n. 日出【单词】sunset [suhn-set][sʌnset] n. 日落【单词】reflect [ri-flekt][rɪflekt] v. 反映;反射文章源自略懂百科-

Planes have flashing red beacons and flashing wingtip strobes.【译】飞机上就有闪烁的红色信号灯和闪烁的翼尖闪光灯。【单词】Planes 原型:plane [pleyn][pleɪn] n. 飞机【单词】wingtip [wɪŋtɪp] n. 翼尖,翅膀尖【单词】strobe [strohb][strəʊb]n. 闪光灯;频闪观测器文章源自略懂百科-

When in doubt, it is a star.【译】(看星星的时候)如果有怀疑,那么一般来说它是一颗恒星。【单词】doubt [dout][daʊt] n. 怀疑;疑惑;悬而未定文章源自略懂百科-

There are a few thousand stars visible to the naked eye, and only few other objects.【译】肉眼可见的恒星有几千颗,而其他天体则寥寥无几。【短语】a few 少量,一点点;few与a few 的区别是,a few:一点点,用于修饰可数名词,肯定用法,表示还是有一些的。例如:There are a few apples on the table. 桌子上有几个苹果。 few:用于可数名词,否定用法,表示几乎没有。例如:There are few apples on the table. 桌子上几乎没苹果…【单词】naked [ney-kid][neɪkɪd] adj. 裸体的;无掩饰的;明白的;无覆盖的。naked eye指肉眼文章源自略懂百科-

Planets tend to be brighter.【译】行星往往更明亮。【用法】tend to表示朝某方向;趋向;偏重,后面接动词原形。如:We tend to make mistakes when we do things in a hurry.忙中不免出错。【单词】brighter 原型:bright 形容词比较级 [brahyt][braɪt] adj. 明亮的文章源自略懂百科-

Jupiter and Venus are always brighter than any star, Mars sometimes is, and while Saturn is dimmer than the brightest stars, it is still brighter than average.【译】木星和金星总是比任何一颗恒星都亮,火星有时也是,虽然土星比最亮的恒星暗一些,但它仍然比平均值亮。【语法】brighter than 形容词或副词比较级 + than,是比...更...的意思;例句:He is younger than me. 他比我(更)年轻。He runs faster than me. 他比我跑得(更)快。【单词】Jupiter 原型:jupiter [joo-pi-ter][dʒuːpɪtə] n. 木星;[罗神]朱庇特【单词】dimmer 原型:dim 的比较级(更暗) [dim][dɪm] adj. 暗淡的;模糊的;笨的 v. 使暗淡;使失去光泽 n. 车头近光灯;停车灯【单词】brightest 原型:bright 形容词最高级 最亮的【单词】average [av-er-ij, av-rij][ævərɪdʒ] n. 平均数;平均水平【专有名词】Venus [vee-nuhs][viːnəs] n. 金星;[罗神]维纳斯【专有名词】Mars [mahrz][mɑːz] n. 火星;[罗神]战神【专有名词】Saturn [sat-ern][sætɜːn] n. 土星 n. [罗神]农神文章源自略懂百科-

Mercury is usually too close to the sun to notice, and Uranus is barely visible at the best of times.【译】水星通常离太阳太近而无法察觉,而天王星在最适宜的时候也几乎看不见。【单词】notice [noh-tis][nəʊtɪs] vt. 注意;留心;通知【单词】barely [bair-lee][beəli] adv. 几乎不;刚刚;勉强;少量地【专有名词】Mercury [mur-kyuh-ree][mɜːkjəri] n. 水银;(M~)水星【专有名词】Uranus [yoor-uh-nuhs, yoo-rey-][jʊərənəs] n. 天王星文章源自略懂百科-

Planet also tend to twinkle less than stars.【译】行星的闪烁频率也比恒星少。【短语】less than 小于;少于;不到;例句:Seven is two less than nine. 9比7少2。文章源自略懂百科-

If it is moving slowly and steadily it is a satellite.【译】如果移动缓慢而稳定,那就是一颗卫星。【单词】steadily [sted-ee][stedɪlɪ] adv. 稳定地;稳固地;逐步地文章源自略懂百科-

If it is moving very quickly and only lasts a moment, it is a meteor.【译】如果移动得很快而且只持续一瞬间,那就是流星。【单词】meteor [mee-tee-er, -awr][miːtiə] n. 流星文章源自略懂百科-

If it is bright and/or moving quickly but steadily, it is probably an aircraft.【译】如果是明亮的并且移动迅速但稳定,它可能是一架飞机。【单词】aircraft [air-kraft, -krahft][eəkrɑːft] n. 飞机文章源自略懂百科-

There is also a small handful of galaxies that can be seen with the naked eye, but most would not be mistaken for stars.【译】也有少数星系可以用肉眼看到,但大多数不会被误认为是恒星。【单词】handful [hand-foo l][hændfʊl] n. 一把;少数【单词】galaxies 原型:galaxy [gal-uhk-see][ɡæləksi] n. 银河;星系【单词】mistaken 原型:mistake [mi-steyk][mɪsteɪk] n. 错误;误会文章源自略懂百科-


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