
懵懂先生 网文资讯谁说天下兴亡匹夫有责?已关闭评论123阅读模式


心动的瞬间天下兴亡,匹夫有责。这个家喻户晓的名言,是由明末清初的爱国主义思想家、着名学者顾炎武最先提出的。顾炎武自幼勤学。他6岁启蒙,10岁开始读史书、文学名着。11岁那年,他的祖父蠡源公要求他读完《资治通鉴》,并告诫说:现在有的人图省事,只浏览一下《纲目》之类的书便以为万事皆了了,我认为这是不足取的。这番话使顾炎武领悟到,读书做学问是件老老实实的事,必须认真忠实地对待它。顾炎武勤奋治学,他采取了自督读书的措施:首先,他给自己规定每天必须读完的卷数;其次,他限定自己每天读完后把所读的书抄写一遍。他读完《资治通鉴》后,一部书就变成了两部书;再次,要求自己每读一本书都要做笔记,写下心得体会。他的一部分读书笔记,后来汇成了着名的《日知录》一书;最后,他在每年春秋两季,都要温习前半年读过的书籍,边默诵,边请人朗读,发现差异,立刻查对。他规定每天这样温课200页,温习不完,决不休息。"Everyone is responsible for the rise and fall of the world." This well-known saying was first put forward by Gu Yanwu, a patriotic thinker and famous scholar in the late Ming and early Qing Dynasties. Gu Yanwu studied hard since childhood. He was enlightened at the age of 6 and began to read history books and literary classics at the age of 10. At the age of 11, his grandfather, Li Yuangong, asked him to finish reading Zizhi Tongjian and warned: "now some people try to save trouble. They just browse books like compendium and think everything is done. I think its not enough." These words made Gu Yanwu realize that reading and learning is an honest thing and must be treated seriously and faithfully. Gu Yanwu studied hard, and he took the measure of "self supervising reading": first, he stipulated the number of volumes he had to read every day; Secondly, he limited himself to copying the books he read after reading them every day. After he finished reading Zizhi Tongjian, one book became two; Thirdly, I am required to take notes and write down my experience every time I read a book. Some of his reading notes were later collected into the famous "rizhilu"; Finally, in spring and autumn every year, he reviews the books he has read in the first half of the year. While reciting silently, he asks someone to read aloud. If he finds any differences, he will check them immediately. He stipulated that he would review 200 pages of lessons every day without finishing it and never rest.文章源自略懂百科-http://wswcn.cn/23846.html


  • 本文由 发表于 2022年8月4日 22:29:46
  • 转载请注明:http://wswcn.cn/23846.html


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