① 新闻标题:
American astronaut lands on Moon 一个美国宇航员登上月球(American astronaut前省略An,而Moon前省略the)
② 广告:
Boy wanted. 招聘男侍者一名。
③ 告示:
(The) Lift (is) out of order. 电梯坏了。
(The) Tigers (are) dangerous. 老虎危险。
④ 说明:
Cut along (the) dotted line. 沿虚线剪开。
⑤ 标牌:
Exit 出口;
Entrance 入口。
⑥ 喊话报警:
Fire! 着火啦!
⑦ 商业信函:
Presentation copy is enclosed. 随函附上赠阅本。
⑧ 日记:
(The) Weather (is) marvellous. 天气非常好。
⑨ 注释:
See (the) next word. 请看下一个词。
① 为避免重复,在不引起误会的情况下,两个并列名词中的后一个名词前的冠词可以省略:
The lightning flashed andthundercrashed. 电闪雷鸣。
I saw a boy and (a)girlrunning hand in hand. 我看见一个男孩和一个女孩手拉手地跑着。
② 当两个并列名词指的是同一个人时,后一名词前通常不用冠词或省略冠词:
His father is a teacher andpoet. 他父亲是位教师兼诗人。
Is the baby a boy or (a)girl? 这婴儿是男孩还是女孩?
The worker andwriteris from Shanghai. 那位工人兼作家来自上海。(一个人,谓语动词用单数)
Theworker andthewriter are from Beijing. 那位工人和那位作家来自北京。(两个人,谓语动词用复数)
③ 有些由两样东西构成的自然成对配套使用的事物,与介词连用时,连第一个冠词也可省略:
I eat steak with (a)knife and fork. 我用刀叉吃牛排。
Set the table withknives and forks. 在桌上摆好刀叉。
④ 不表示配套组成一个整体的人或物的两个或两个以上名词并列排比或列举时,常省略冠词:
I can’t write withoutpen or pencil. 没有钢笔和铅笔,我就写不了字。
Boy and girlcame up to me together. 一个男孩和一个女孩一起向我走来。
(I wish youa) Happy Birthday! 祝生日快乐!
(It’sa) Pity I can’t swim. 真遗憾,我不会游泳。
(The) Fact is we don’t know it ourselves. 事实是我们自己也不知道。
(The) Trouble is we don’t have enough tools. 问题是我们的工具不够。
He is (the)captainof the team. 他是球队的队长。
He was elected (the)chairmanof the committee. 他当选该委员会的主席。
In 2009 Obama became (the)Presidentof the United States. 2009年,奥巴马成为美国总统。
She is (the)editorof a magazine for woman. 她是妇女杂志的编辑。
4.5在as, though, that引导的让步状语从句中,当表语为形容词修饰的名词时,不定冠词可以省略:
Poor (a) boy as he is, he is honest. 他虽是个穷孩子,但他诚实。
Old (a) hand though he was, this had flustered him. 他虽然老练,但这事还是使他慌张。
Strong (a) man though he is, he has been severely put to the test during the past few weeks. 他虽然坚强,但在过去的数周里也受到了严峻的考验。
Strong (a) man that he is, he can not lift that big stone. 他虽然是个壮汉,但也举不起那块大石头。
4.6half, part, quarter等量词前的冠词可以省略:
(The) Half of ten is five. 10的一半是5。
(The) Half of the books are novels. 这些书有一半是小说。
Only (a) part of the story is true. 这个故事只有一(小)部分情节是真实的。
(A) Part of the books are interesting. 这些书中有一(小)部分是有趣的。
I only read (a) part of the story. 我只看了这篇小说的一(小)部分。注:part of强调不可分割的一部分,apart of表示一半以下的一小部分,在实际运用中常不加区别,都表示一部分,且不用冠词的情况居多。
It’s (a) quarter to six now. 现在是六点差一刻。
He arrived at the station at (a) quarter past seven. 他七点一刻到达车站。
I bought it for (a) quarter (of) the price. 我是以四分之一的价格买的。
4.7both后的定冠词通常可省略而不影响意思的表达,但both of后的名词前必须有定冠词或其他表特指的限定词:
Both(the) men are dead. 两个人都死了。
Both(the) cats are asleep. 两只猫都睡着了。
I wantboth(the) books. 这两本书我都想要。
Hold it inboth(your) hands. 用两只手拿着它。
Both of theflowers are very beautiful. = The flowers arebothvery beautiful. 那两朵花都很漂亮。
4.8all后有定冠词表示特指,不用定冠词表示泛指;all后的名词前有数量词时,可省略定冠词;all of后的名词前必须有定冠词或其他表特指的限定词:
All thedogs have long ears. 那些狗耳朵都很长。
Alldogs have keen ears. 所有的狗听觉都很敏锐。
All(the) five boys were late. 五个男孩全都迟到了。
All of theinformation was false. 所有的资料都是假的。
She went to (the)marketto buy food. 她去市场买食物。
He took the cattle to (the)market. 他到市场去卖牛。
There’s always (a)next time. 机会总是会有的。
I’ll bring you the dictionary (the)next timeI come here. 我下次来这里时,就把字典带给你。
Who won (the)firstprize? 谁获得了一等奖?
I was (the)secondin the exam. 我考试得第二名。
He took (the)thirdplace. 他获得了第三名。
① 两个或多个形容词最高级修饰同一个名词时,第二个及以后的形容词最高级前都省略定冠词;the most后跟几个形容词时,第二个及以后的形容词前的the most都省略:
She isthe falsest,meanestandshallowestwoman in the world. 她是世界上最虚伪的、最吝啬的、最浅薄的女人。
This isthe most moving,interestingandinspiringbook I have ever read. 这是我读过的最动人、最有趣、最鼓舞人的一本书。
② 在某些固定搭配中,名词化的形容词最高级前的定冠词可以省略:
There were twenty people in the room,at(the)most. 屋里最多不过20人。
He’s a foolat(the)best, and he’s a criminalat(the)worst. 往好里说,他是个傻瓜,往坏里说,他是个罪犯。
It costsat(the)least5 dollars. 它至少得花五美元。
The trip will take ten days,at(the)least. 这趟旅行至少得10天时间。
③ most作为many或much的最高级,表示数量最多、程度最大时,可省略定冠词:
Which of you has made (the)mostmistakes? 你们当中谁出错最多?
The storm did (the)mostdamage to the house on the edge of the cliff. 暴风雨对悬崖边缘的那座房子损害最大。
④ 在as引导的让步状语从句中,作表语的形容词最高级省略定冠词:
Youngestin our class as he is, he runs fastest. 在我们班里,他虽然年纪最小,但跑得最快。
⑤ 当代词it作think, consider, find, feel等动词的先行宾语,形容词最高级作宾语补足语时,最高级前常省略定冠词:
I think itbestto check it again. 我认为最好再检查一次。
He considered itmost importantto learn English. 他认为学习英语最重要。
She works (the)hardest. 她工作最努力。
He arrived (the)earliestof all. 所有人中,他到得最早。
Of the four of us, I sang (the)worst. 我们四人中,我唱得最差。
He walked (the)most slowlyof the three. 他是三人中走得最慢的。
bear (a) relation[relationship] to … 与……有关[类似];
catch[get, take] (a) cold 伤风,感冒;
make (a) shift 尽力设法利用,尽力设法对付;
on(an[the])average 平均起来,一般来说,作为平均数;
take[have, show] (an) interest in 对……感兴趣;
take (a) pleasure in 以……为乐;
at (the) best 至多,最多,最快,充其量不过;
at (the) bottom 本质上,实质上,实际上,基本地;
at (the) first 最初;
at (the) first blush 乍一看;
at (the) latest 至迟,最晚;
at (the) least 至少,起码;无论如何,不管怎样,反正;
at (the) longest 至多,顶多,最久,最长;
at (the) most 至多,最多,顶多,不超过;
at (the) root 根本上,实际上,本质上;
at (the) sight of … 一看到……就……;
at (the) worst 在最坏的情况下,无论怎样坏,充其量;
in(the) face of … 在……面前,面对……,不顾……;
in(the) spirit 在内心,在精神上;
on(the) ground(s) of … 以……为理由,根据……;
on(the) top of … 在……之上。
《英语冠词》目 录
第一章 不定冠词的用法
第二章 定冠词的用法
第三章 零冠词的用法
第四章 冠词的省略
第五章 冠词的后置
第六章 各类词语使用冠词的情形
第七章 泛指、类指、特指、独指
第八章 不定冠词与数词one的区别
第九章 定冠词与指示限定词的区别
1. a, an
2. a[an], one
3. a[an], the
4. abandon, desert, discard, forsake, give up
5. abide, bear, endure, stand, suffer, tolerate, put up with, brook
6. ability, capability, capacity, competence, faculty, genius, talent, power, skill, aptitude
7. able, capable, competent, adequate, qualified
8. abnormal, irregular, unusual, eccentric, unnatural, exceptional, subnormal, aberrant
9. aboard, board
10. abolish, abrogate, annul, countermand, repeal, rescind, revoke, cancel, call off, do away with
11. about, approximately, around, roughly
12. about, around, round
13. about, of, on
14. above, beyond, over, more than
15. above, over, on
16. abroad, overseas
17. absolute, complete, entire, perfect, utter, total, thorough, full
18. absorb, digest, assimilate, suck
19. abstract, attract, contract, distract, extract, protract, retract, subtract, tractor
20. abstract, digest, outline, summary, resume, synopsis, gist
21. absurd, ridiculous, preposterous, ludicrous
22. accelerate, quicken, speed
23. accent, dialect, tone, pronunciation, intonation
24. accept, receive
25. accessory, appendix, attachment, supplement, affiliation
26. accompany, company, see, attend, escort, convoy
27. accomplish, achieve, complete, finish, fulfil(l)
28. accomplishment, achievement, exploit, feat, success
29. accord, agree, coincide, conform, correspond, square, tally
30. accord, agreement, convention, treaty, pact, compact, bargain, contract, understanding
31. according to, in accordance with, in accord with
32. accordingly, consequently, hence, therefore, thus, so
33. accumulate, amass, assemble, collect, gather, congregate, hoard
34. accurate, exact, precise
35. accuse, charge, denounce, blame, condemn, scold, rebuke, reproach, censure, chide, reprove, upbraid, impeach
36. achieve, acquire, obtain, gain, get, attain, earn, derive, secure, win, procure
37. achieve, attain, arrive, reach, gain, get, come to
38. acknowledge, admit, concede, confess, own, recognise, recognize, allow, grant
39. acquaintance, friend, intimate, familiar, confidant, confidante
40. act, action, behave, behavio(u)r, conduct, deed, manner, activity, style
41. actor, actress, performer, player, cast
42. actual, authentic, genuine, positive, practical, real, true, virtual
43. acute, keen, sharp
44. acute, urgent, imperative, critical, crucial, pressing, emergency
45. add, increase, gain, augment, multiply, broaden, widen, lengthen, enlarge
46. add, plus
47. additional, extra, supplementary
48. address, deliver, discourse, lecture, speak, talk, speech, declaim, orate
49. address, greet, hail, salute, welcome
50. adhere, glue, stick, cling, cohere
51. adopt, foster
52. adorn, decorate, ornament, embellish, bedeck, garnish
53. adult, grown-up, mature, ripe, mellow
54. advance, forward, further, promote, expedite
55. advance, move on, proceed, progress, march
56. advanced, progressive, radical
57. advantage, benefit, profit, interest
58. adventure, venture, risk, hazard, chance
59. adverse, contrary, opposite, reverse, contradictory, converse, inverse
60. advice, proposal, proposition, recommendation, suggestion
61. advise, counsel, propose, recommend, suggest
62. advise, persuade, convince, counsel, recommend, urge, induce, coax
63. affair, business, concern, matter, thing
64. affect, effect
65. affect, influence, impress, impact, leverage
66. affection, emotion, feeling, passion, sentiment, sentimentality
67. affirm, allege, assert, claim, declare
68. afraid, fearful, dreadful, frightful, awful, awesome, horrible, horrid, horrific, terrible, terrific, frightened, frightening
69. after, behind
70. afterward(s), later
71. age, epoch, era, period, times, day, date
72. aged, elderly, old
73. ago, before
74. agony, anguish, misery, torment, torture, distress, grief, grieve, mourn, sadden, sadness, sorrow
75. agree, approve, consent, grant, subscribe, be for, accede, assent, concur
76. aid, assist, help
77. air, atmosphere, gas
78. alike, like, parallel, similar, same, identical, equal, comparable
79. alive, live, living
80. all, whole
81. alleviate, ease, lessen, lighten, relieve, abate, allay, assuage, mitigate, soothe, subside
82. allocate, assign, distribute, divide, allot, apportion
83. allow, permit
84. almost, nearly
85. alone, lonely, lone, lonesome, solitary, desolate, forlorn
86. aloud, loud, loudly
87. already, yet
88. also, as well, too, either
89. although, though
90. altogether, all together
91. always, forever, usually, often, frequently, repeatedly, sometimes, occasionally, seldom, hardly, rarely, never
92. among, between
93. amount, number
94. amplify, enlarge, expand, magnify
95. analogy, likeness, resemblance, similarity
96. ancient, antique, antiquity
97. anger, indignation, fury, rage, outrage, wrath
98. angle, corner, horn
99. animal, beast, creature, brute
100. announce, declare, proclaim, pronounce, publish
101. annoy, bother, disturb, interfere, interrupt, irritate, trouble
102. another, other
103. answer, reply, respond
104. anxiety, care, concern, worry
105. anxious, eager, keen, hungry, thirsty, longing, yearning
106. any, some
107. anyhow, anyway
108. anyone, any one
109. apparent, clear, distinct, evident, manifest, obvious, plain, noticeable, visible
110. appear, arise, emerge, loom, pop, come out
111. appear, look, seem
112. appoint, designate, name, nominate
113. appreciate, enjoy
114. appropriate, fit, fitting, proper, suitable
115. area, district, region, section, zone, belt, quarter, part, ward, neighbo(u)rhood, locality
116. argue, dispute, debate, quarrel, row, reason, squabble
117. arise, rise
118. arms, weapon, armament, weaponry
119. army, troops, force, military
120. article, composition, theme, essay, prose, paper, editorial, thesis, dissertation
121. artificial, synthetic, man-made, fake, false, sham
122. as, like, alike
123. as good as, as well as
124. ashamed, shameful, shameless
125. ask, question, inquire, examine, interrogate, query, demand
126. asleep, sleep, sleeping, sleepy
127. aspire, desire, dying, hunger, long, pine, starve, thirst, yearn, pant, crave
128. associate, colleague, companion, company, fellow, mate, partner, comrade
129. association, society, club, league, union, alliance, federation, fellowship, community
130. assure, ensure, insure, guarantee
131. at, in, on
132. attach, band, bandage, bind, bunch, bundle, chain, fasten, hitch, rope, secure, strap, tape, tie, wrap
133. attempt, try, endeavo(u)r
134. attend, join, participate, take part in, be[go] in for, enter
135. attract, draw, appeal, charm, tempt, lure, allure, entice
136. audience, spectator, listeners, viewers
137. author, writer
138. avenge, revenge, retaliate
139. avenue, street, road, lane, way, expressway, freeway, motorway, highway, highroad, pavement, sidewalk, pedestrian crossing, zebra crossing, pedestrian crosswalk, alley, drive, driveway, parkway, path, footpath, footway, pathway, trace, track, trail, route, course, line
140. avoid, dodge, escape, flee, run away, miss, duck, elude, evade, shun
141. await, wait
142. award, reward, prize, bonus
143. awkward, clumsy, ungainly
144. baby, child, boy, girl, infant, kid, lad, lass, babe, toddler
145. bachelor, master, doctor
146. bad, ill, evil, wicked
147. baffle, bewilder, confuse, embarrass, puzzle, perplex, confound, disconcert, mystify
148. bake, roast, toast, grill, broil, barbecue
149. balance, equilibrate, equilibrium, poise
150. bald, bare, barren, naked, nude, stark
151. ban, forbid, prohibit
152. bank, beach, coast, shore, seaside
153. banner, flag, standard, pennant
154. bar, barricade, barrier, block, roadblock, handicap, hindrance, hurdle, impediment, obstacle, obstruction
155. bar, barricade, block, roadblock, deter, forestall, hamper, handicap, hinder, impede, inhibit, interfere, interrupt, obstruct, prevent, stop, keep, hold
156. barbarous, bloody, brutal, cruel, ferocious, fierce, inhuman, merciless, pitiless, ruthless, savage, vicious
157. base, basis, foundation
158. basic, elemental, elementary, essential, fundamental, primary, rudimentary
159. bath, bathe
160. bay, bight, cove, creek, fiord, fjord, gulf, inlet
161 be about to do, be going to (do)
162. beam, blaze, glare, glow, ray, shine, light, lighten, illuminate, kindle
163. bear, bore, born, borne, birth
164. beat, defeat, win, victory, conquer, overcome, prevail, triumph, vanquish
165. beautiful, pretty, handsome, good-looking
166. because, as, since, for
167. because of, due to, owing to, on account of, thanks to
168. beckon, gesture, motion, sign, signal
169. begin, start
170. believe, trust
171. beloved, favo(u)rite, popular
172. below, under, beneath, underneath
173. beside, besides
174. besides, apart from, aside from, else than, other than
175. besiege, encircle, enclose, envelop, fence, picket, surround
176. better, improve
177. big, large, great
178. bite, gnaw, nibble, chew, peck, lick, devour, swallow
179. bite, gnaw, snap, savage, nibble, peck, sting
180. blank, margin, empty, bare, hollow, vacant, free, void, vacuum
181. blast, blow, burst, explode, dynamite, erupt
182. blemish, flaw, defect, shortcoming, weakness, fault
183. blend, compound, mixture, composite, alloy
184. blend, mix, combine, mingle, merge
185. blink, flare, flash, flicker, glance, gleam, glimmer, glint, glisten, glitter, shimmer, spark, sparkle, twinkle, wink
186. blink, wink, twinkle
187. blush, flush, glow, crimson, redden
188. board, commission, committee, council, jury
189. boat, canoe, craft, dinghy, ferry, raft, yacht, sail, ship, liner, cruiser, vessel, tanker, barge, tug, steamer, sub
190. bold, brave, courage, dare, heroic
191. border, boundary, frontier, barrier, division, limit
192. border, brim, rim, brink, edge, fringe, margin, verge
193. borrow, lend, loan, use
194. both, either, neither
195. bowl, cup, glass, plate, saucer, dish, dishes, spoon, chopsticks, knife, fork
196. branch, bough, limb, twig, spray, shoot
197. brand, make, trademark, label, tag
198. break, burst, chip, crack, crash, crush, fracture, grind, shatter, smash, snap, splinter, split
199. breed, foster, raise, rear, bring up
200. brief, short
201. bring, take, fetch, get
202. broad, wide
203. burden, load
204. business, commerce, trade, bargain, deal, traffic
205. businessman, dealer, merchant, trader, tradesman, retailer, wholesaler
206. button, knob, switch, control, dial, wheel
207. buy, purchase
208. calculate, compute, count, figure, number, reckon, work out
209. calm, quiet, silent, still, placid, restful, serene, tranquil
210. campaign, crusade, drive, movement, motion
211. can, could, be able to
212. can, could, may, might
213. can, could, may, might, must
214. cane, staff, stick
215. cap, hat
216. careful, cautious, discreet, guarded, prudent, prudential, alert, vigilant, wary, watchful
217. carry, bear, hump, tote, haul, lug, cart, run, raft, fly, ship, convey, deliver, ferry, shuttle, hurry, transport
218. case, circumstance, condition, situation, state, status
219. catastrophe, calamity, disaster, plague, tragedy
220. catch, clutch, grasp, grip, seize, capture, clasp, grab, snatch, arrest, trap
221. cause, reason
222. caution, warn, forewarn, admonish
223. celebrate, congratulate, compliment
224. centre, core, focus, heart, hub, nucleus, middle
225. certain, sure
226. chance, occasion, opportunity, break
227. change, alter, convert, vary, transform, turn, adapt, modify, adjust, accommodate
228. channel, strait
229. character, individuality, personality, nature
230. charter, hire, lease, let, rent, tenant
231. chase, catch, pursue, hunt, be[run, go, get, seek] after
232. check, examine, inspect, test, verify, go over, go through, look over, look through
233. chief, main, major, primary, prime, principal, capital, central, key, leading
234. choice, pick, alternative, option, election, selection, vote, preference
235. choose, pick, select, prefer, elect, vote, opt
236. circle, circuit, encircle, orbit, revolve, rotate, swivel, wheel, crank, pivot, spin, whirl, twirl, twist, swirl, turn, roll, round
237. cite, quote
238. class, course, lesson
239. clay, earth, ground, mud, soil, land
240. clever, wise, smart, bright, brilliant, gifted, ingenious, intellectual, intelligent, sagacious, shrewd, apt, cute
241. climate, weather
242. climb, crawl, creep, ascend, mount, scale, scramble
243. close, conclude, end, finish, terminate
244. close, shut
245. clothe, dress, wear, put on, have on, be in
246. clothes, clothing, coat, dress, suit
247. coarse, crude, rude, rough, harsh, vulgar
248. cold, bleak, chill, chilly, cool, warm, warmth, heat, hot
249. column, file, queue, rank, row, line, range, procession
250. come, go
251. comfort, console, relieve, solace, soothe, appease, placate, pacify
252. comfort, ease
253. command, direct, instruct, order, bid, dictate
254. common, general, universal, normal, ordinary, usual, average, commonplace
255. compare, contrast
256. compel, constrain, enforce, force, impel, impose, oblige
257. complex, complicated, intricate, involved
258. component, constituent, element, ingredient
259. compose, comprise, consist of, constitute, form, make
260. comprehensible, comprehensive
261. concentrate, focus
262. concept, conception, notion, idea, outlook, opinion, thinking, thought, judgement, view, viewpoint
263. concern, concerned, concerning
264. conduct, direct, guide, lead, navigate, pilot, steer, usher
265. confine, limit, restrict
266. connect, join, joint, link, combine, couple, associate, unite, unify
267. consequence, effect, result, outcome, upshot, finding, fruit
268. consequence, importance, significance, value, magnitude
269. consign, despatch, dispatch, express, forward, freight, mail, email, post, send
270. conspire, plot, scheme
271. contain, include, involve, comprise, cover, embrace
272. content, fulfil(l), gratify, meet, please, satisfy
273. continual, continuous, consecutive, successive, constant, persistent, perpetual straight, ceaseless, incessant, nonstop, uninterrupted
274. continually, continuously
275. continuance, continuation, continuity
276. continue, carry, go on, move on, proceed, resume, persist, endure, hold, keep, last
277. continue, keep, lie, remain, rest, sit, stand, stay, hold, last
278. contribute, dedicate, devote, donate
279. cook, cooker
280. cope, deal, dispose, handle, manage, treat
281. cordial, earnest, genuine, hearty, sincere
282. corridor, passage, aisle, hall, porch, veranda(h),gallery, catwalk, walkway
283. cost, expend, spend, take
284. costly, dear, expensive
285. country, countryside, village
286. country, nation, state
287. couple, pair
288. crazy, frantic, insane, mad, nuts
289. create, invent, discover, find
290. crime, evil, guilt, offence, offense, sin, vice, violation, misdeed, wrongdoing
291. criminal, evil, guilty, sinful, wicked
292. crop, harvest, reap, yield
293. cross, across, over
294. crowd, throng, squash, lot, mob, rabble, horde, band, parcel, gang, drove, flock, herd, pack, school, shoal, swarm, company, party, group, colony, multitude, cloud, host, troop,cluster, crop,crush, wave
295. cry, wail, blubber, bawl, howl, weep, snivel, sob, whimper, whine, tear
296. cure, heal, mend, remedy, treat, doctor, medicate
297. custom, habit, manner, convention, practice, tradition, use, usage, way
298. customary, accustomed, conventional, habitual, traditional, usual, used
299. customer, client, patron, guest, passenger, consumer, buyer, purchaser, shopper
300. damage, harm, hurt, impair, injure, wound, disable, cripple, paralys[z]e, mar, spoil, bruise, burn, cut, scratch, maim, pull, tear, strain, sprain, twist, wrench
301. damp, dank, humid, moist, muggy, wet
302. danger, hazard, peril, risk
303. dangerous, hazardous, perilous, precarious, risky, unsafe
304. dark, black, dim, dusky, gloomy, obscure
305. deceive, cheat, trick, defraud, swindle, fool, con, fleece, impose
306. decide, determine, resolve, settle, make up one’s mind
307. decline, decrease, diminish, dwindle, lessen, reduce
308. decline, descend, fall, drip, drop, sink, subside, degrade, fail
309. deep, deeply
310. deep, profound
311. defend, guard, preserve, protect, safeguard, ensure, secure, shield
312. defer, delay, postpone, prolong, protract, put off, retard, suspend
313. delicate, faint, feeble, fragile, frail, impotent, infirm, limp, soft, weak
314. depend, rely, bank, count, reckon, rest, trust
315. deprive, dispossess, divest, rob, strip
316. deride, gibe, jibe, jeer, laugh at, mock, rag, ridicule, scoff, scorn, sneer, taunt, tease
317. desirable, desirous
318. desk, table
319. despite, in spite of, notwithstanding, for all, with all
320. destroy, damage, demolish, devastate, raze, ruin, wreck
321. die, death, dead, deadly, deathly, dying
322. die, drown, execute, hang, kill, poison, strangle, starve
323. die, expire, pass, perish, decease
324. differ, disagree, disapprove, dissent, divide, object, oppose
325. different, various, diverse, distinct, distinctive
326. differentiate, discriminate, distinguish, tell
327. difficult, hard
328. digit, figure, number, numeral
329. disability, inability
330. disable, enable, unable
331. disappear, fade, vanish, merge, lift, swallow
332. disclose, expose, reveal, uncover
333. disease, illness, sickness, complaint, disorder, trouble, ailment, malady, malaise
334. dispatch, hasten, hurry, rush
335. dispel, disperse, dissipate, scatter
336. display, exhibit, expose, show
337. disposition, temper, temperament
338. distant, far, remote
339. divide, divorce, part, insulate, isolate, segregate, separate
340. do, make
341. doctor, physician, surgeon, dentist, psychiatrist, resident, practitioner, GP
342. door, gate, exit, gateway
343. doubt, suspect, question, distrust, mistrust
344. drag, draw, haul, jerk, lug, pull, stretch, tow, tug, trail
345. dread, fear, fright, horror, panic, scare, startle, terror, alarm
346. drift, float
347. drill, exercise, practice, train
348. drink, have, gulp, lick, sip, slurp, suck, swallow
349. drive, ride, fly, sail, motor
350. duty, obligation, responsibility, liability
351. each, every
352. each other, one another
353. earnest, grave, serious, sober, solemn
354. eat, dine, have, take, help yourself
355. economic, economical, economically, economics, economy, financial, financially, finance, fiscal
356. educate, instruct, teach, school, train, coach, tutor
357. effective, effectual, efficacious, efficient
358. effort, endeavo(u)r, exert, pains, struggle, strain, strive, take … trouble
359. elder, eldest; older, oldest
360. electric, electrical, electronic
361. elegant, graceful
362. elongate, extend, lengthen, stretch, prolong, protract
363. else, other
364. embrace, hug, clasp, cradle, press, squeeze, cuddle, clinch
365. emphasis[z]e, stress, underline, underscore, accent, accentuate, highlight
366. employ, engage, hire
367. encounter, meet
enough, sufficient, adequate, 368. ample, plentiful
369. environment, surroundings, circumstance, conditions
370. especially, particularly, specially
371. esteem, hono(u)r, regard, respect, revere, reverence, adore, worship, admire, homage
372. event, accident, incident, occurrence, casualty, mishap, happening
373. eventual, eventually; final, finale, finally; last, lastly, at last; ultimate, ultimately; at length, in the end
374. everybody, everyone, every one
375. examination, quiz, test, final, oral, makeup
376. example, instance, case, illustration
377. example, model, pattern
378. exceed, excel, surpass, transcend, outdo, outstrip
379. except, but, excluding, bar, beyond, outside, save, unless, short of, next to, no counting, otherwise
380. excuse, forgive, pardon, overlook
381. exhausted, exhausting, exhaustive
382. exist, live, survive
383. expand, swell, dilate, distend, inflate
384. expert, specialist, authority, guru, pundit
385. extend, spread, stretch
386. exterior, external, outer, outside, outward
387. fade, wilt, wither
388. fair, fairly
389. fairly, quite, rather, pretty, very
390. fame, glory, hono(u)r, name, prestige, renown, reputation, repute, stature
391. family, home, house, household
392. farther, further; farthest, furthest
393. fast, quick, rapid, swift, prompt, speedy, express, hasty
394. fee, charge, cost, expense, fare, freight, toll, tip, expenditure
395. few, a few, little, a little
396. fighter, soldier, warrior
397. film, movie, picture, cinema
398. find, look, search, seek, hunt, comb, rake, rummage
399. fine, good, nice, well
400. fire, burn, blaze, flame, flare, light, ignite, kindle
401. fit, suit, match
402. fittings, fixture, furniture
403. flesh, meat
404. flower, bloom, blossom
405. fluid, liquid, gas, solid
406. fog, mist, haze, smog
407. follow, trace, track, trail, tail, shadow, stalk
408. foolish, silly, stupid, dull, fatuous
409. force, power, strength, energy, might, vigour
410. forceful, forcible
411. forecast, foresee, foresight, foretell, forewarn, predict, prophecy, prophesy
412. foregoing, former, preceding, previous, prior
413. forest, jungle, bushes, shrubbery, wood(s), grove
414. forget, leave
415. form, shape, figure, outline, profile
416. game, match, race, quiz, final, rival, compete, contend, contest, dispute, scramble
417. gift, present
418. give, accord, award, confer, grant, present, entitle, bestow, vouchsafe
419. glad, happy, pleasant, nice, cheerful, agreeable, delightful, jolly, joyful, joyous, merry, gay
420. good-bye, bye, bye-bye, so long, farewell
421. grand, magnificent, splendid, superb, glorious, gorgeous, spectacular, imposing, majestic, sublime
422. grow, plant, cultivate, crop, seed, sow
423. happen, occur, chance, break out, take place, befall
424. harbo(u)r, port, seaport, dock, pier, jetty, quay, wharf
425. hard, harsh, rigid, rigorous, severe, stern, strict
426. hardly, scarcely, barely
427. heading, headline, title, theme, subject, topic
428. heap, pile, stack, mass, bank
429. hear, listen
430. height, altitude, elevation, stature
431. hide, conceal, bury, cache, cloak, cover, disguise, harbo(u)r, mask, screen, shelter, suppress, veil
432. high, tall, lofty
433. hint, imply, indicate, intimate, suggest, allude, insinuate
434. holiday, vacation, leave, festival, furlough
435. hope, want, wish
436. hunger, hungry, starve, starvation, famine, famish
437. identify, recognise, recognize, make out, pick out, place, know, spot, tell
438. idle, lazy, indolent
439. ill, sick
440. imaginable, imaginary, imaginative
441. important, significant, vital, momentous
442. in addition to, as well as, on top of, over and above, among other things, more than, along with
443. income, pay, salary, wage
444. individual, personal, private, intimate, privy
445. information, info, intelligence, message, news, tidings, word
446. insist, persevere, persist, adhere, cling, assert, stay, maintain, hang, hold, keep, stick, endure
447. intend, mean, plan, be going to, be thinking of
448. invaluable, priceless, precious, valuable, valued
449. investigate, enquire, inquire, probe, survey
450. jest, joke, banter, kid, tease, quip
451. job, task, duty, chore, labour, toil, work
452. jump, leap, bound, bounce, hop, skip, spring, clear, gambol, hurdle, vault
453. kind, sort, type, category, class, classification, breed, species, variety
454. lack, absent, absence, deficient, deficiency, scarce, scarcity, short, shortage, want, need
455. landscape, outlook, panorama, perspective, prospect, scene, scenery, sight, spectacle, view
456. late, later, latter, latest, last, lately, latterly, lastly
457. lately, recently, not long ago, soon
458. laugh, chortle, guffaw, roar, mirth, chuckle, giggle, simper, smirk, snicker, snigger, titter, grin, beam, smile
459. lawsuit, suit, proceed, action, case, cause, litigate, sue, prosecute, indict, appeal
460. lay, lie
461. lay, place, put, set
462. learn, study
463. lie, falsehood, fib, story
464. lift, raise, elevate, hoist, heave
465. list, schedule, timetable, table, form
466. little, small
467. locality, location, place, position, site, situation, spot, scene
468. look, see, watch
469. love, lover, lovely, loving, lovable
470. luck, chance, break, lot, fortune, fate, destiny, doom
471. machine, machinery
472. many, a (large[good, great]) number of, a (great, large) multitude (of), a good few (of)
473. map, atlas, chart, plot, design, blueprint, draft, sketch, plan, diagram, graph, illustration, figure, artwork
474. mark, tick, check, sign, symbol, character, brand
475. material, matter, substance, stuff
476. medicine, drug, specific, remedy, cure
477. meeting, conference, convention, assembly, rally, congress, council, session, summit, gathering, caucus
478. memoris[z]e, recall, recollect, remember, remind
479. mend, patch, repair, fix
480. method, means, way, manner, approach, process, mode, system, fashion
481. mighty, powerful
482. migrate, migrant, migration; emigrate, emigrant, emigration; immigrate, immigrant, immigration
483. mission, task, assignment
484. mistake, blunder, fault, error, slip, wrong
485. moment, instant, minute, second, flash
486. more, most, a lot (of), a large[good, great, huge, vast] quantity (of), plenty (of), a (great, huge) mass of
487. move, remove, shift, transfer
488. much, a large[great, huge] amount of, a good[great] deal (of), a fair[good, nice] bit (of)
489. much, very
490. name, title
491. neighbo(u)rhood, vicinity, proximity
492. nervous, tense, stressful
493. no, not
494. object, objective, purpose, aim, end, goal, target
495. offer, proffer, provide, supply, afford, accommodate, equip, furnish, tender, volunteer
496. only, sole, single, unique
497. origin, root, source, spring, beginning, birth, cause
498. ought to, should
499. pain, ache
500. pass, past
501. peak, summit, top, climax, zenith
502. percent, per cent, percentage
503. phylum, class, order, family, genus, species
504. picture, painting, drawing, outline, sketch, portrait, landscape, caricature, cartoon
505. plan, design, blueprint, program(me), project
506. poem, poetry, verse, stanza, epic, lyric, doggerel, jingle
507. possible, likely, probable
508. possibly, perhaps, maybe, likely, probably
509. press, compress, depress, express, impress, oppress, repress, suppress
510. price, charge, cost
511. problem, question
512. proportion, rate, ratio, scale
513. quality, quantity, mass, weight
514. quiver, shiver, tremble, thrill, vibrate, shake, shudder, convulse, quake, quaver, tremor
515. rare, scarce, at a premium
516. react, reaction; respond, response
517. refuse, reject, decline, deny, repel, repulse, rebuff
518. relate, relation, relationship, relative, relativity
519. rescue, save, deliver, redeem
520. respectable, respected, respectful
521. respecting, respective
522. responsible, responsive
523. school, university, college, academy, institute
524. seat, sit
525. sensible, sensitive
526. shall, should, will, would
527. shout, bawl, cry, call, exclaim, holler, yell, scream, shriek, screech, squall, squeal, squeak, wail, bark, bay, growl, howl, snarl, whine, yap, yelp, yip, bellow, roar, thunder
528. slow, slowly
529. smell, taste, odo(u)r, fragrance, perfume, scent, incense, stink, whiff, aroma, flavo(u)r, savo(u)r, tang
530. some time, some times, sometime, sometimes
531. sound, noise, voice
532. soundless, noiseless, voiceless
533. speed, velocity, rate, pace, tempo, gallop
534. stop, cease, halt, pause, quit
535. storm, tempest, hurricane, typhoon, gale, cyclone, tornado, waterspout, twister, whirlwind, blizzard
536.story, legend, tale, romance, narrative, narration, anecdote, fable, folklore, myth, fiction, novel, saga
537. surprise, wonder
538. symbol, attribute, badge, token, emblem
539. technical, technological
540. technique, technology
541. thank, appreciate, oblige
542. thin, lean, slender, slight, slim, spare, lanky, gaunt, scrawny, bony, skinny
543. think, believe, consider, count, deem, reckon, regard
544. throw, cast, heave, fling, hurl, pitch, toss
545. till, until
546. tired, tiring, tiresome
547. tired, weary, fatigued, exhausted
548. traffic, transport, transportation, conveyance, vehicle
549. transmit, carry, convey, conduct
550. travel, journey, tour, trip, voyage, cruise, excursion, jaunt, junket
551. used to, would; be used to, be accustomed to
552. valuable, invaluable; precious, priceless
553. value, worth
554. variable, varied, various, variance, variant, variation, variety
555. visit, call, drop, see, look, come, stop
556. wake, waken, awake, awaken, arouse, rouse
557. walk, pace, step, stride, stroll, strut, plod
558. war, campaign, battle, combat, conflict, fight, warfare
559. -ward, -wards
560. worth, worthwhile, worthy, deserve, merit