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/ 但丁和拿破仑 /文章源自略懂百科-



该展展出80多件作品,题为「但丁与拿破仑」,由Roberta DAdda和Sergio Onger策划:来自公众和私人收藏的绘画、雕塑、素描、版画和奖章,与Paolo Tosio的家庭博物馆的进行一次历史性对话。文章源自略懂百科-

我们可以这些收藏品中找到欧洲对这两个人物的崇拜和他们所体现的理想,特别是在19世纪;在这种情况下,在布雷西亚,由于保罗-托西奥(1775 - 1842)的存在,这两个人物的收藏被建立起来。这位贵族在他由鲁道夫-万蒂尼(Rodolfo Vantini)设计的宫殿里聚集了重要的艺术收藏,其中有拉斐尔、洛托和莫雷托的杰作,佛兰德和北欧绘画,以及围绕但丁和拿破仑的神话委托创作的新古典主义和浪漫主义作品,以及一些墙面装饰品等。文章源自略懂百科-



该项目由Skira出版的目录完成,由Paolo Boifava、Angelo Brumana、Bernardo Falconi、Luciano Faverzani和Fernando Mazzocca撰写。文章源自略懂百科-


地点:Palazzo Tosio – Ateneo di Brescia Accademia di Scienze Lettere e Arti文章源自略懂百科-


门票:免费入场 需要预约 需要绿码文章源自略懂百科-

英文原文 English Version文章源自略懂百科-

Dante and Napoleon in comparison.文章源自略懂百科-

An exhibition, a book, a program of appointments, guided tours, workshops and an extraordinary opportunity to visit a neoclassical house-museum: in Brescia from May 5 to December 15, 2021.文章源自略懂百科-

Ateneo di Brescia Accademia di Scienze Lettere e Arti and Fondazione Brescia Musei celebrate two myths 700 years after Dantes death and, at the same time, 200 years after Napoleons death.文章源自略懂百科-

A project that investigates the values, ideals and feelings that gathered around the two characters, describes an era, its protagonists, collecting, trends, under the banner of a common denominator: Europe.文章源自略懂百科-

More than 80 works on display, entitled Dante and Napoleon, curated by Roberta DAdda and Sergio Onger: paintings, sculptures, drawings, prints and medals from public and private collections, in dialogue with the permanent path of the house-museum of Paolo Tosio.文章源自略懂百科-

The cult for these two figures and for the ideals they embodied finds various testimonies in the Italian and European collections that were formed especially in the nineteenth century; in this case in Brescia, thanks to Paolo Tosio (1775 - 1842). The nobleman gathered in his palace, designed by Rodolfo Vantini (the first seat of the citys Picture Gallery co-titled to him, transferred in 1904 to Palazzo Martinengo and now the seat of the Athenaeum) an important art collection with masterpieces by Raffaello, Lotto and Moretto, Flemish and Northern European paintings, as well as commissioning neoclassical and romantic works, as well as some wall decorations, around the myth of Dante and Napoleon.文章源自略懂百科-

The exhibition enriches and underlines the didactic function already imagined by Tosio for his home, a function certainly shared by the members of his illustrious circle: that of assigning to his own home a civil function, building his own personal pantheon, selecting and cultivating the symbolic imagery that his contemporaries had to feed on.文章源自略懂百科-

Among the works on display: the Portrait of Napoleon painted by Andrea Appiani (1754-1817), rediscovered now as a precious original thanks to the recent restoration, the Fasti, conceived by the same artist, for the Royal Palace of Milan, the extraordinary Ganymede by Bertel Thorvaldsen (1770-1844); the miniatures commissioned by the imperial family to Giambattista Gigola (1767-1841), as well as the drawing by Luigi Basiletti (1780-1859), a small romantic masterpiece, datable to 1821 and most likely executed shortly after the fateful May 5.文章源自略懂百科-

The project is completed by a catalog published by Skira, with contributions by Paolo Boifava, Angelo Brumana, Bernardo Falconi, Luciano Faverzani and Fernando Mazzocca.文章源自略懂百科-

期待下一次的文化遇见 cult(3d(Cultivating)文章源自略懂百科-


  • 本文由 发表于 2023年8月24日 15:35:37
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