好文: 数据可靠性是什么

2023年8月17日19:30:34好文: 数据可靠性是什么已关闭评论

《Automotive Innovation》是经国家新闻出版署批准的中国汽车行业第一本英文学术期刊,由中国汽车工程学会主办,电子刊与Springer Nature合作,与纸质刊全球同步发行,其第2卷第4期已上线,文章阅读及下载可登录www.Chinasaejournal.com.cn。



引用词条为:Liu, J.C., Huang, L.Y., Zhou, R.M., et al. : Reliability growth test planning and verification of commercial vehicles. Automot. Innov. 2(4): 328–337 (2019)


刘继承 • 黄丽燕 • 周任民 • Markus.Volmer1



关键词可靠性 • Duane模型 • 可靠性增长预测模型 • 能量流 • 失效率

Reliability Growth Test Planning and Verification of Commercial Vehicles

Jicheng Liu • Liyan Huang • Renmin Zhou • Markus.Volmer1


Reliability and durability are two important technical indicators in automobile research and development. A research-and-design and testing organization can increase inherent quality attributes by adopting a systematic approach based on statistical tools and clearly defined processes. The process affects the design phase, validation through testing, and quality assurance in production. On the basis of reliability growth theory and the Duane model, this study established an estimation method for the definition of the target mileage and specific test cycles in reliability growth testing. A construction method for defining test conditions was proposed that adopts the theory of the design of experiments. The simulation was conducted under a variety of typical test conditions including differing operation times, loads, and logistics modes to predict customer use and detect failures. Failure cases were then analyzed in detail. At the same time, a reliability growth prediction model was established on the basis of the initial test data and used for test process tracking and risk control.

KeywordsReliability • Duane Model • Reliability Growth Prediction Model • Failure Rate

Automotive Innovation介绍

《Automotive Innovation》作为由国家新闻出版署批准的中国汽车行业的第一本英文科技期刊,也是中国汽车工程学会为行业打造的重要国际交流平台和展示窗口,旨在进一步推动国际合作与交流,加速中国的汽车创新成果走向国际,提升中国在国际汽车界的话语权。

自2018年创刊以来,期刊就以建设世界一流期刊为目标,邀请全球15个国家和地区有影响力的汽车专家担任编委,并与Springer Nature平台合作,以国际高标准确保论文水平和出版质量。期刊每季度出版1期,读者已涉及72个国家和地区,最高单篇下载次数超过8000次。期刊已得到众多知名学者认可。


《Automotive Innovation》主编为清华大学李骏院士、赵福全教授,执行主编为吉林大学马芳武教授。
