(1)The temperature has gone up.温度上升了。
(2)The airplane flew high up in the sky.飞机在高空飞行。
(3)We hung the picture up.我们把图画挂起来。
(4)The boy climbed up to a higher branch on the tree.男孩爬到很高的一枝树叉上。
(5)The sun is up.太阳出来了。
(1)He lives up north.他住在北方。
(2)He is up from the country.他从乡下来。
(3)He came up to me.他走到我跟前。
(4)A plant grows up from a seed.植物是种子长大起来的。
(1)The question came up for discussion.问题提出来讨论了。
(2)He was wrought up by the news.他很为这消息所激动。
(3)What is up with you?你发生了什么事情?
(1)We’ve eaten everything up.我们把每一样食物都吃光了。
(2)The party ended up with a song.聚会在歌声中结束。
(3)Everything was burnt up.一切都烧光了。
(4)When is your leave up? 你的假期什么时候结束?
5. up常与其前面的动词构成固定词组,有时它与动词原意不大相同,应注意它们之间的区别。比如:
(1)We canlook upthe word in the dictionary.我们可以在字典里查这个字。
(2)Go on in front. I’llcatch up withyou.你先走,我就会赶上你的。
(3)The whole story ismade up.这个故事完全是虚构出来的。
(4)A taxidrew upin front of the house.一辆出租汽车在房子前面停了下来。
(5)When did youtake upbasketball? 你什么时候开始打篮球的?
(6)It’s my turn towash uptoday.今天该我洗盘子,洗碗了。
(7) Only five peopleturned up.只来了五个人。
(8) She screamed. "Get up!"她尖声叫道。起床!
由up构成的习语有很多,我们比较常用的有:be up to sb(是……的职责(或责任);由……决定)。比如:
Its not up to you to tell me how to do my job.还轮不到你来告诉我怎么做我的事。
Shall we eat out or stay in? Its up to you.咱们是到外面吃饭还是待在家里?你决定吧。
up and down的意思有:起伏;上下波动、来回;往复。比如:
The boat bobbed up and down on the water.小船在水面颠簸。She was pacing up and down in front of her desk.她在办公桌前踱来踱去。
它也可以指时好时坏。比如:My relationship with him was up and down.我跟他的关系忽冷忽热。