


Top 10 Hat Brands in the World Today:2021 Edition


Hats are probably one of the most overlooked items in menswear. We pay them so little attention, yet they possess the power to entirely alter the look of an outfit. Having a few at your disposal is never a bad idea and knowing the right hat brands to buy from is the first step in choosing a topper that will stay with you for many years to come, perhaps even becoming a signature piece. These are the finest milliners in the world today.


美国品牌 Goorin 早在 1895 年由 Cassel Goorin 创立,Cassel Goorin 是一位工匠帽子制造商,他在匹兹堡市四处游历,通过马车销售他的手工制品。四代之后,该品牌仍然是一家家族拥有和经营的公司,确保了无与伦比的工艺水平和血统。

US label Goorin was founded way back in 1895 by Cassel Goorin, an artisan hat maker who travelled around the city of Pittsburgh selling his handmade wares via horse and cart. Four generations later the brand is still a family-owned-and-operated company, ensuring unrivalled levels of craftsmanship and pedigree.

最近,由于电视节目 Breaking Bad – Goorin 创造了 Walter White 标志性的猪肉馅饼帽,该品牌重新成为人们关注的焦点,并恰如其分地将其命名为海森堡。

More recently, the brand was thrust back into the limelight thanks to the TV show Breaking Bad – Goorin created Walter White’s iconic pork pie hat, which it aptly named the Heisenberg.



澳大利亚以其对宽边头饰的热爱而闻名,而 Akubra 则是这种痴迷背后的品牌。自 1876 年以来,这个出生于塔斯马尼亚、总部位于悉尼的品牌一直以其标志性的兔毛毡帽为澳大利亚的内陆地区遮阳,使自己成为这一过程中的传奇。当然,它的产品更有可能出现在农村老前辈的头上,而不是时尚达人的头上。但是,如果您想要一件来自奥兹国的正宗头饰,这里是唯一的去处。

Australia is well known for its love of wide-brimmed headwear and Akubra is the brand behind the obsession. Since 1876 the Tasmania-born, Sydney-based brand has been keeping the sun off Aussies in the outback with its iconic rabbit-fur felt hats, making itself something of a legend in the process. Of course, its products are more likely to be found on the heads of old-timers from rural areas rather than fashionistos. But if you want an authentic piece of headwear from the land of Oz, this is the only place to go.



你以前看过西部片吗?如果是这样,您就会熟悉 Stetson。费城制帽商的产品在古老的西部变得如此成功和受人尊敬,以至于 Stetson 这个名字成为了帽子的代名词。防水、时尚且耐用,它们一炮而红。此外,高昂的价格标签确保它们成为身份的象征——对于一个牛仔来说,拥有一个是向世界展示他做得很好。今天,许多原始模型仍在生产中,这意味着任何人都可以拥有一块正宗的美国。

Have you ever watched a western before? If so, you’ll be familiar with Stetson. The Philadelphia hatmakers products became so successful and respected in the old west that the name Stetson became synonymous with hat. Waterproof, stylish and durable, they were an instant hit. Plus, the lofty price tags ensured they became a status symbol – for a cowboy to own one was to show the world he was doing well. Today many of the original models are still in production, meaning anyone can own an authentic piece of Americana.


9.Ebbets Field Flannels|Ebbets 野战法兰绒

1987 年,Jeremy Cohen 一直对运动标志和制服着迷,他推出了 Ebbets Field Flannels。这个想法是使用原始球队标志重新制作复古棒球帽和服装,并使用厚羊毛毡等坚固材料来做这一切。一旦他为自己做了一些,人们开始看到他戴着它们,并询问如何为自己弄一个。快进到今天,该品牌在全球一些最酷的商店都有库存。

A lifelong fascination with sports emblems and uniforms was what drove Jeremy Cohen to launch Ebbets Field Flannels back in 1987. The idea was to recreate vintage baseball caps and apparel using original team logos, and do it all using robust materials like thick wool felt. Once he had made a few for himself people began to see him wearing them and inquire about how to get one for themselves. Fast forward to today and the brand is stocked in some of the coolest shops across the globe.



不可否认,Kangol 的头饰是一种后天习得的品味。设计为前后佩戴的亮白色平顶帽并不适合所有人。即便如此,如果不包括在内,就不可能认为帽子品牌清单是完整的。这个英国品牌自 1930 年代以来一直存在,并且受欢迎程度周期性地激增……通常随后很长一段时间都被认为天生不酷。目前,我们倾向于前者。

Admittedly, Kangol’s headwear is something of an acquired taste. Bright white flat caps that are designed to be worn back to front aren’t for everyone. Even so, no list of hat brands could possibly be considered complete without its inclusion. The English brand has been around since the 1930s and has enjoyed periodic surges in popularity… usually followed by quite a long stint of being considered inherently uncool. At present, we’re trending towards the former.


Paddy Maddison.
