
懵懂先生 网文资讯中国最大的城市(谁才是中国最大的城市?)已关闭评论104阅读模式


(Learn to spread China and Chinese cuIture in EngIish)文章源自略懂百科-

Some Important Basic Facts about the Peoples Republic of China文章源自略懂百科-

1.China,officially called the Peoples Republic of China, is located in the East of the Asian continent on the western shore of the Pacific Ocean.文章源自略懂百科-

2. The Peoples Republic of China has a land area of about 9.6 million square kilometers and is the third largest country in size in the world after Russia and Canada. From north to south, China extends about 5 ,500 kilometers and from west to east about 5 ,200 kilometers.文章源自略懂百科-

3. China shares land borders with 14 countries. They are Afghanistan, Bhutan,Myanmar, India, Kazakhstan , Kyrgyzstan, Laos, Mongolia, Nepal, North Korea,Pakistan, Russia, Tajikistan and Vietnam. Across the seas to the east and southeast are the Republic of Korea, Japan, the Philippines , Brunei, Malaysia and Indonesia.文章源自略懂百科-

4. The Chinese mainland is flanked to the east and south by the Bohai Sea, Yellow Sea ,East China Sea and South China Sea. Except for Bohai Sea, which is a continental sea, the Yellow sea, the East China Sea and the South China Sea are all marginal seas of the Pacific Ocean. Along its approximately 18, 000-kilometer coastline, the nation has many good harbors, most of which are ice-free all year round.文章源自略懂百科-

5.China is the most populous country in the world. Its population( on the Mainland),which has reached 1.41178 billion in the year 2020 ,accounts for a little over one fifth of the worlds population.文章源自略懂百科-

6. The territory of China is characterized by dramatic geographical diversity. Topographically, it is low in the east and high in the west. Chinas arable land is primarily in the eastern region. The plains and lowlands in the east and the southeast occupy about one third of the land in the country. Two-thirds of the country are mostly mountains and high plateaus.文章源自略懂百科-

7. Today China has thirty-four administrative units directly under the central government.They consist of twenty-three provinces , five autonomous regions , four municipalities,and two special administrative regions.文章源自略懂百科-

8. The Yangtze (Chang Jiang )flows about 6, 300 kilometers from the Tibetan Plateau in the west to the East China Sea in the east. It is the longest river in China, and is the third longest in the world, next only to the Nile in Africa and the Amazon in South America. The Yangtze is of great importance in transportation and agriculture in China.文章源自略懂百科-

9. The Yellow River is the second largest river in China. It is 5 ,464 kilometers long.The Yellow River Valley was one of the birthplaces of ancient Chinese civilization.文章源自略懂百科-

10. There are many freshwater lakes and saltwater lakes in China. Most of them are located on the Yangtze Plain and the Tibetan Plateau. Poyang Lake in Jiangxi Province is the largest freshwater lake in China. Qinghai Lake in Qinghai Province is the largest saltwater lake in the country.文章源自略懂百科-

11. There are many famous mountains in Chna, such as the Five Great Mountans and Huangshan.The Five Great Mountains in China are Taishan Mountain in Shandong ,Hengshan Mountain in Shanxi, Songshan Mountain in Henan, Huashan Mountain in Shaanxi and Hengshan Mountain in Hunan.文章源自略懂百科-

Huangshan Mountain in Anhui is famous for its spectacular rocks, odd-shaped pines, hot springs and sea of clouds.文章源自略懂百科-

12. Beijing is the capital of the Peoples Republic of China. It is the nations center of government, economy, culture, and international activities. It also serves as a transportation hub to the entire country.文章源自略懂百科-

13. Beijing lies in the northern part of the country. It is located on the northwest edge of the North China Plain ( Huabei Pingyuan), approximately 150 kilometers northwest of the Bohai Sea. There are mountains standing in the west,north and northeast of Beijing.文章源自略懂百科-

14. Beijing one of Chinas seven ancient capitals, has served as a national capital for more than 700 years, leaving a lot of culural heritage sites such as the Forbidden City, the Great Wall, the Temple of Heaven ( Tiantan Park), the Ming Tombs(shisanling), the Summer Palace and so on.文章源自略懂百科-

15. Shanghai,one of the four municipalities,is the文章源自略懂百科-

largest city in China. lt is situated on the alluvial(冲刷) plain of the Yangtze River Delta. Shanghai has four distinct seasons with generous sunshine and abundant rainfall. Its summers are hot and rainy and winters dry and cool. It is not only the countrys chief industrial and trade center but also mainland Chinas leading port.文章源自略懂百科-

16. Chinas climate varies greatly. In the north and west, it is extremely dry and desert-like. In the south and southeast, it rains often and has the characteristic tropical monsoon climate. Most of the country , however, lies in the North Temperate Zone. It is warm and has four distinctive seasons.文章源自略懂百科-





















  • 本文由 发表于 2022年7月27日 12:03:56
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